*English Follows Japanese


The Kamaishi Open Field Museum is a touristic vision which has been used to promote Kamaishi City since it was established in 2017. Kamaishi DMC Ltd. has played an essential role in the implementation of this vision. Today, Green Destinations, a non-profit organization for sustainable destination development and recognition, has become interested in our concept and has asked us some questions. Our CEO Hidetaka Kato answers these questions below.

1. 「釜石オープン・フィールド・ミュージアム」は、観光に対してユニークなアプローチだと思いますが、簡単に説明していただけますか。



1. The Kamaishi Open Field Museum is a unique approach to tourism. Can you describe it briefly?

The Kamaishi Open Field Museum is a touristic concept in which the whole of Kamaishi city is exhibited as a “museum without a roof”. By following this concept, we have developed experience-based guided tours to showcase local people’s everyday work and life to tourists. During the programme, tourists meet local skilled workers, such as farmers, fishermen and foresters, local business owners and city officials who show the visitors their daily lives, work and the processes of recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011.

The visitors find learning about local people’s unique ways of life to be interesting and inspiring. Local people in turn realize that they have fascinating skills and experiences. As a result, this concept has contributed to cultivating the sense of local people’s pride in living in the city and a fresh love for their hometown. Additionally, preserving the history and traditional culture of Kamaishi for the next generation can also be regarded as a role of this concept by regularly welcoming visitors.

2. オープン・フィールド・ミュージアムの考え方を取り入れることで、地域にはどのようなメリットがあったのでしょうか。



2. What have been the benefits to the community by embracing this model of local tourism?

Kamaishi, which was facing a declining steel industry and population, was severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, both physically and mentally. However, by virtue of the actions related to the Open Field Museum, the number of Kamaishi admirers has increased and they regularly return to the city to visit the engaging exhibits. This has contributed to the city’s economic sustainability.

The results of the efforts on that vision are reflected in these figures: in a survey conducted in 2020, approximately 60% of Kamaishi residents said that tourism played an essential role in the city’s recovery from the tsunami. Additionally, the survey demonstrated that more than 70% of respondents were willing to cooperate with welcoming tourism, which seemed relatively high.

3. オープン・フィールド・ミュージアム構想のゴールはどこになりますか?



3. What are the goals for the Open Field Museum project for the future of tourism in Kamaishi?

Our goal is to preserve our nature, culture and local economy by enticing people from other cities and countries to come and experience our city. These days, most of Japan’s local cities have been suffering from a severe population decline. Considering the countrywide situation, it seems impossible to fully prevent it. Our important role is, therefore, to enliven the city by motivating visitors to not only visit us but also to collaborate with us.

For instance, we can encourage tourists to help local skilled workers by harvesting seafood and agricultural products. Also, we can coax IT professionals to support advertising our city via social media. In fact, our company has already been supported by employees from other cities and many business partners outside Kamaishi. We think that it is important to spread these cooperative relations throughout the entire city.